Case Studies
We are trusted by industry leaders spanning multiple fields in Ireland. Hear how companies like yours found success with Future Direct Services.
Secure Work Permits and Visas to hire over 40 Engineers and Project Managers from Overseas
Our team provided a timeline and regular updates to the Client and the candidates throughout the application process. When the Employment Permits and Visas were approved, the candidates were informed of the document preparation required to fly to Ireland. As a result, all the Employment Permits and Visas applications were approved timely, enabling our Client to hire the new hires smoothly.

Multinational engineering requires assistance to hire many engineers and project managers from overseas. The recruitment happened in several stages to meet different project demands. Therefore, the Client must secure the correct Employment Permits and Visas for the candidates promptly and efficiently.
Our dedicated team removed the administrative burden from the Client by engaging with the candidates directly to gather and prepare the relevant documents for the applications.
Healthcare and Homecare Providers seeking Healthcare Staff from Abroad
HSE data indicates that in July 2022, 5,312 people were waiting for home support from the HSE's Services for Older People because no care workers were available. This has led many healthcare and homecare providers to seek healthcare staff abroad.
Future Direct engaged a large recruitment campaign by a healthcare provider in Ireland. At the project's onset, we secured the Trusted Partnership Status for the Client with the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (DETE). This esteemed status with the DETE enables our Client’s future employment permit applications to be fast-tracked and to require less administrative input.
The team in Future Direct liaised with the candidates and gathered the documents required for the employment permit application and visa applications. We also liaised with the DETE and the Department of Justice regarding any follow-up on the applications until they were processed. As a result, our client successfully hired the critical healthcare staff they needed to grow their business.

Prepare and submitted an urgent Critical Skill Employment Permit Application within 5 working days
A Client in the technology space engaged with us to apply for a Critical Skill Employment Permit for one of its senior sales specialists, whose visa was about to expire in 3 weeks. The Client previously engaged with another consultancy firm to apply for the permit unsuccessfully. As a result, when the client approached Future Direct, the individual’s visa had less than weeks of lawful residence in Ireland. The Client was at risk of losing this critical team member if the employment permit was not approved within 3 weeks.
Our team immediately engaged with the Client and the individual. We gathered the documents prepared and submitted an urgent Critical Skill Employment Permit application with the DETE within 5 working days. The application is approved within the required timeline, enabling the Client to secure work permission for their sales specialist.

Secure Work Permits and Visas to hire over 40 Engineers and Project Managers from Overseas
Multinational engineering requires assistance to hire many engineers and project managers from overseas. The recruitment happened in several stages to meet different project demands. Therefore, the Client must secure the correct Employment Permits and Visas for the candidates promptly and efficiently.
Our dedicated team removed the administrative burden from the Client by engaging with the candidates directly to gather and prepare the relevant documents for the applications.

Our team provided a timeline and regular updates to the Client and the candidates throughout the application process. When the Employment Permits and Visas were approved, the candidates were informed of the document preparation required to fly to Ireland. As a result, all the Employment Permits and Visas applications were approved timely, enabling our Client to hire the new hires smoothly.
Healthcare and Homecare Providers seeking Healthcare Staff from Abroad
HSE data indicates that in July 2022, 5,312 people were waiting for home support from the HSE's Services for Older People because no care workers were available. This has led many healthcare and homecare providers to seek healthcare staff abroad.
Future Direct engaged a large recruitment campaign by a healthcare provider in Ireland. At the project's onset, we secured the Trusted Partnership Status for the Client with the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (DETE). This esteemed status with the DETE enables our Client’s future employment permit applications to be fast-tracked and to require less administrative input.

The team in Future Direct liaised with the candidates and gathered the documents required for the employment permit application and visa applications. We also liaised with the DETE and the Department of Justice regarding any follow-up on the applications until they were processed. As a result, our client successfully hired the critical healthcare staff they needed to grow their business.
Prepare and submitted an urgent Critical Skill Employment Permit Application within 5 working days
A client in the technology space engaged with us to obtain lawful for one of its senior sales specialists, whose visa was about to expire in 2-3 weeks. The client was previously engaged with another consultancy firm to apply for the Critical Skill Employment Permit for the sales specialist. Unfortunately, due to the delays and some administrative errors in the work carried out by this consultant, the Critical Skill Employment Permit for the sales specialist was not applied within the agreed timeline. As a result, when the client approached Future Direct, the individual’s visa had only 2-3 weeks of lawful residence in Ireland. The client was at risk of losing this critical team member if the employment permit was not approved within 2-3 weeks.
Our team immediately engaged with the company's individual and HR manager. We gathered the documents, prepared and submitted an urgent Critical Skill Employment Permit application with the DETE within 5 working days. The application is approved within the required timeline, enabling the client company to secure lawful residence for their sales specialist.